On the reg

Hot academic gossip and the Circle of Niceness

Season 4 Episode 55

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This one has been in the can for a while - but it was recorded only a week after the previous one about the Meat Grinder. You'd think that would make the banter session shorter, but ...not really. Jason has largely avoided having his face squished at Brazilian Jujitsu and Inger has been writing whiny emails to her boss.

The team finish up the Cambridge hiatus mailbag (13:32), including one from Janet Davey that was lost at the bottom (sorry about that Janet!). This prompts a lengthly discussion about Teams and autocorrect, so the usual nerdy stuff.

In the Work Problems session (49:38) Jason confesses to Inger that he doesn't know how to gossip well, but Inger proves to him that he has got his academic gossip skills Just Right. Along the way Foucault is not mentioned, but he might as well have been given how much the word 'power' popped up.

Inger's read her friend Stan Emmerson's new book 'What is the It' (1:28:44) and gives a completely biased review. Jason features a couple of 50 cent app shop bargains. Finally

In two minute tips (1:37:10) Inger reports back on taking her own advice and Jason shares the rather tragic news that his email address is now on the Dark Web, which seems appropriate for a Halloween episode!

We work to earn the right to work video
Inger's blog post on Hot Academic Gossip
Inger's academic paper 'Assembling the PhD candidate: troubles talk'
Stan's book on editing 'What is the 'it'? A Handbook for proofing court judgements
Austin Kleon Steal like an Artist
Clip at the end is The Fine Print: outer worlds song by Stupendium 

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- Read Inger's stuff on www.thesiswhisperer.com.

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