On the reg

The 'To Be Read' pile and the academic Burning Man festival

Thesiswhisperer Season 1 Episode 6

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Lockdown continues in Melbourne, but Jason is looking forward to being able to visit his mother in law without being arrested for breaching the Victorian lockdown 5km travel limits.

Inger is struggling to tell the difference between Canberra spring hayfever and Covid, as well as the agony of watching her son, who is doing first year uni and not spending long enough on his essays.

In our work problems, Jason shares his solo 'academic burning man' festival and how good it feels to burn one of only two copies of your masters thesis. Inger reports that she has delegated some diary work to the Outlook robots and is enjoying the way they make her take time to eat lunch.

Jason is back into reading about Soldier David Hackworth's biography, and share some of his lessons in leadership, from his time in Korea, sneaking behind enemy lines. Inger is becoming a power reader now that she has deleted the facebook messenger app from her phone, which is lucky because it gives her time to read all her friends' new books.

In the two minute tips section, Jason reminds us of the beauty of desktop short cuts while Inger teaches Jason how to use the Notes app as a scanner.

Jason is reading:
About Face: The Odyssey of an American Warrior by David Hackworth

Inger is reading: 

‘No matter our wreckage’: Gemma Carey

‘How to win an election’: Chris Wallace

‘The future of Us: demography gets a makeover’, Liz Allen

‘Houston, We Have a Narrative: Why Science Needs Story’ Randy Olson

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Jason is having a break from the Socials, but you can still find Inger as @thesiswhisperer pretty much everywhere. You can read Inger's stuff on www.thesiswhisperer.com.

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